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Abraham Lincoln vs. Vampires: Exploring the Supernatural Side of History

The idea of Abraham Lincoln, one of America’s most beloved and iconic historical figures, fighting against vampires might seem like a strange and far-fetched concept. However, it’s precisely this unexpected and intriguing combination that has made the novel “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” by Seth Grahame-Smith a popular and enduring work of historical fiction.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” and examine its unique blend of history and supernatural horror. We’ll explore the story behind the novel, the portrayal of Abraham Lincoln’s character, the vampire mythos, and the broader significance of the concept of Abraham Lincoln vs. vampires.

The Story Behind Abraham Lincoln vs. Vampires

“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” was published in 2010, and it quickly gained a following among readers who were drawn to its unusual premise. The novel tells the story of Abraham Lincoln, starting with his childhood and following him throughout his life as he battles against a secret society of vampires who are plotting to take over the United States.

The author, Seth Grahame-Smith, was inspired to write the novel after he came across a biography of Abraham Lincoln and began to wonder what it would be like if Lincoln had been a vampire hunter. He saw the potential for a compelling story that would combine historical fact with supernatural fiction, and he set out to write the book.

The novel’s blend of history and horror is not entirely unique. Other works of historical fiction, such as “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” and “Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters,” have also mixed classic literature with fantastical elements. However, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” has arguably had a more significant impact and has become more of a cultural phenomenon.

Abraham Lincoln: Fact vs. Fiction

One of the most intriguing aspects of “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is the way it portrays Abraham Lincoln as a character. In the novel, Lincoln is not just a wise and thoughtful leader; he is also a fierce warrior who is determined to eradicate the scourge of vampirekind.

However, this portrayal of Lincoln is not entirely accurate. While it’s true that Lincoln was a skilled politician and a gifted orator, there is no historical evidence to suggest that he ever hunted vampires. In fact, most historians would agree that the idea is entirely ridiculous.

That being said, the novel does draw on some historical facts and events to create a believable and compelling story. For example, the novel touches on Lincoln’s childhood poverty, his close relationship with his mother, and his experience as a lawyer in Springfield, Illinois. The novel also includes a number of real historical figures, such as William Seward, Stephen Douglas, and John Wilkes Booth.

Overall, while the novel takes significant liberties with history, it still manages to create an engaging and convincing portrait of Abraham Lincoln.

The Vampire Mythos

Of course, no discussion of “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” would be complete without mentioning the vampires themselves. In the novel, vampires are portrayed as cunning and ruthless predators who are capable of infiltrating all levels of society. They have a complicated and hierarchical social structure, and they are able to wield immense power and influence.

The vampires in the novel also adhere to many of the classic tropes of vampire mythology. They are vulnerable to sunlight, silver, and garlic, and they are able to transform into bats or wolves. They also have superhuman strength and agility, and they are able to heal quickly from injuries.

However, the vampires in the novel are also distinct from other fictional vampires. They are more complex and nuanced than the traditional “evil vampire” archetype. They have their own internal politics and rivalries, and some are even sympathetic characters who have their own reasons for aligning themselves with the vampire cause.

The novel also introduces some new twists to the vampire mythos. For example, the vampires in the novel are vulnerable to silver because it represents the purity of Christ, and they are repelled by the smell of lavender because it is associated with death and mourning.

Overall, the vampire mythology in “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is well-developed and adds an exciting element to the story.

The Significance of Abraham Lincoln vs. Vampires

So, why has the idea of Abraham Lincoln vs. vampires resonated so strongly with readers? One possible explanation is that the novel speaks to our ongoing fascination with Abraham Lincoln as a historical figure. Lincoln is one of the most beloved and revered presidents in American history, and his story has been told and retold countless times.

However, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” offers a fresh and unexpected perspective on Lincoln’s life and legacy. It allows readers to see Lincoln in a new light and to imagine him as a badass vampire hunter who takes on evil forces and saves the world.

In addition to its unique portrayal of Lincoln, the novel also touches on some deeper themes and issues. For example, it explores the idea of power and corruption, as the vampires in the novel use their immense wealth and influence to control and manipulate the government and society as a whole.

The novel also raises questions about the nature of evil and the moral responsibility of individuals to take action against injustice. The idea of vampires as a metaphor for societal ills is not a new one, but “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” uses the concept in a particularly effective way.

Finally, the novel is simply a well-crafted and entertaining story. It’s fast-paced, action-packed, and full of memorable characters and set pieces. It’s a book that can be enjoyed purely for its entertainment value, but it also offers plenty of food for thought.


“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is a novel that defies easy categorization. It’s part historical fiction, part horror story, and part action-adventure. However, it’s precisely this combination of elements that has made it such a popular and enduring work.

The novel’s portrayal of Abraham Lincoln as a vampire hunter is both ridiculous and compelling, and it offers a unique perspective on one of America’s most iconic historical figures. The vampire mythology in the novel is well-developed and adds an exciting element to the story. And the novel’s deeper themes and issues make it more than just a simple genre exercise.

In the end, “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is a book that’s worth reading for anyone who enjoys a good story, regardless of whether they’re a fan of history, horror, or both.