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Anker 555 Solar Generator

How Many Watts Do You Need? How About A 1000 Watt Solar Generator?

When deciding on a 1000 watt solar generator, one of the most crucial questions to ask oneself is, “How many watts do I need?” The wattage of your solar generator must be calculated in order to answer this question.

Compile A Sum Of All Device Use Time

The first thing to do is calculate how many total power hours will be required. Multiply the amount of time each device uses by its power consumption in watts. If you have two electric fans, each of which requires electricity for 4 hours, you would multiply the hours required by the number of fans.

Determine The Total Energy Consumption Of All Devices

The next thing to do is calculate how many watts the whole apparatus will need. The wattage of most home appliances is listed in the product description for easy reference. If it doesn’t work, you may alternatively check the item’s wattage by looking at the current and multiplying it by the voltage.

Cumulate The Watt-Hours Used By Each Device

Two 50-watt fans can run for two hours on a single 100-watt circuit. The next step is to calculate the total number of watt-hours required. To figure out how many hours there are in total, increase the 2 hours of electricity by the 2 electric fans. Add them up to get the total number of watt hours, i.e. 200. Then, divide your number by 0.85 to find out how much power the device will use at a constant rate of 85% while it is charging, making it 235 Wh. You can do the math!

This means that you’ll need a power station that can give you at least 235 watt hours if you want to run two 50-watt fans for two hours each. Lastly, when picking a solar generator, make sure it has enough starting wattage and peak power limits to run all your appliances.

Looking For The Perfect Choice?

If you’re constantly on the go but still need a reliable power supply, the Anker 555 is an excellent option. This little solar gadget has a 512Wh energy storage capacity. If you simply need to charge a few electronic devices when camping, then this compact solution is perfect for you. It’s little, but it offers every charging port imaginable for your electronics. It has a car plug-in, a USB-C port, a USB-A port, and four regular AC outlets.


If you need more energy and efficiency, the Anker 555 is a fantastic option. This solar-powered generator can produce 1024Wh and has 12 outlets for charging. Larger appliances like coffee makers and hair dryers may be powered, making it ideal for large-scale outdoor gatherings. The Anker 555 Portable Power Station has a 10-year lifespan, double the standard 2-year lifespan. It also includes 5-year protection plan that completely insures you, so you can rest easy knowing that you have chosen the perfect 1000 watt solar generator out of all generators available in the market.